Round Piano Panel
Play a tune and learn music on this interactive
musical touch sensitive Piano panel. Touching the
stainless metal pads produces a musical note. Battery
operated. Easy to maintain.
Playship Bow
Great for nautically themed play, and essential for
all playships.
Round Buzz Panel
The colors and shapes reaction game it is easy to
follow, easy to play and great fun.
Round DrumPanel
Drum out a musical note on this drum panel. A great
addition to any support posts for ground level
Round Maze Wheel Panel
Weave the stainless metal ball through the maze
wheel. A fun and difficult maze challenge.
Playship Helm
A sturdy, HDPE ship steering wheel. Attach this
popular activity to any post.
Steering Wheel
This popular activity can be attached to any post. An
early childhood favorite.
Driving Station
A freestanding racecar driving event that works
great in areas with little room.
1.800.265.5462 |