Ship's Rail Panel
A whimsical touch. Perfect for playships or verandas.
Porthole Panel
With a circular opening. For ground level use.
Window Panel
Equally well-suited for playhouses and playships.
Double-sided with spooky cabin scene on reverse.
Anchor Panel
Adds nautical flair to any playground. Double-sided
with bird and anchor scene on reverse.
Playhouse Panel
Turns a playground into a playhouse. For ground
level use.
Balance Ball Game
A steering wheel with a challenging marble game
inside. Balance all three balls and win. Attaches to
any post.
Mirror Gaze Add-On
Fun little mirrors so kids can make goofy faces.
Game Panel Add-On
A playground game for two players. Children spin the
dial then move their markers. The first player to 5
wins the game. Attaches to any post.
Gear Panel Add-On
Makes mechanics fun for children with three
spinning gears. Attaches to any post.
1.800.265.5462 |