Wheelchair-accessible periscope or ground level
access panel.
Word Tumbler
Children practice spelling three-letter words with
independently-spinning alphabet discs.
Double-sided. Wheelchair-accessible at ground.
Mini Clock Panel
A smaller version of our clock panel, complete with
moving hands and an adjustable digital-style clock.
Mini Racecar Panel
Wheelchair-accessible at ground level. Double-sided
with racing vehicle on reverse.
Xylophone Panel
Children can make their own music at play.
Wheelchair accessible at ground level.
Treasure Hunt
A non-competitive playground game. Young children
spin the side-by-side cylinders to uncover the buried
treasures within. Double-sided. Wheelchair-accessi-
ble at ground level.
Mini Chalkboard
An accessible and mini version of our full size
chalk panel.
Mini Push Panel
Push the truck over the hilly terrain or race the boat
across the water on this interactive panel.
Mini Airplane Panel
Includes two sets of controls for friendly co-pilots.
Wheelchair-accessible at ground level.
1.800.265.5462 |