Log Beam
Cross the fallen log to explore areas with dinosaur
digs. A fun climber with many creative possibilities.
Dimensions - 6'-4" long (1.9m), 3'-4" wide (1.0m)
2'-5" tall (0.74m)
Rattle Snake Point
Rattlesnakes like hiding out in rock crevices. Good
thing there are none in this fun, nature inspired rock
climber so children can safely explore it.
Dimensions - 7'-11" long (2.4m), 4'-2" wide (1.3m)
4'-2" tall (1.3m)
Utah Climber
The Utah Climber was cast from a real rock in
Utah. It provides and unprecedented real rock like
climbing experience children will enjoy.
Dimensions - 0'-0" long (0.0m), 0'-0" wide (0m)
0'-0" tall (0.0m)
Tree Rock
What's better than a rock or tree climber? A Tree
Rock climber that combines the best of both features
of nature inspired play.
Dimensions - 6'-8" long (2.0m), 6'-3" wide (1.9m)
7'-1" tall (2.2m)
Castle Rock
This great Castle Rock climber can be used as a
freestanding play event or it can be used to access 48"
deck heights on PlaySteel MAX or FIT.
Dimensions - 9'-2" long (2.8m), 6'-3" wide (1.9m)
8'-5" tall (2.6m)
Stump Transfer
The Stump Transfer can be used as a climber, bench
or ADA transfer point to a point on PlaySteel MAX
or PlaySteel Fit.
Dimensions - 4'-5" long (1.3m), 4' wide (1.2m)
23" tall (0.6m)
Log Steppers
Log Steppers are an essential natural play element
that children love to traverse. Use them as an access
climber to playgrounds or freestanding.
Dimensions - 12". 24", 36" (0.3, 0.61, 0.91m) heights.
Log Bench
After a hard day playing on the playground or just
running around, kids and adults too will enjoy
relaxing on this new Log Bench.
Dimensions - 6'-6" long (2.0m), 1'-4" wide (0.4m)
2'-4" tall (0.7m)
Balance Log
Balancing on a border or cement curb was so much
fun as a kid. But now kids can balance on a realistic
Balance Log, way cooler then a plain old curb.
Dimensions - 12'-6" long (3.8m), 1'-11" wide (0.6m)
2'-5" tall (0.7m)
1.800.265.5462 |