Mastodon Dig
(Only Head & Tusk Shown)
The mastodon is huge, divided into three sections
children can dig up various parts of its bone accurate
skeleton. Exciting, fun, and educational.
Dimensions - 23'-5" long (7.1m), 6'-5" wide (1.96m)
12" tall (0.3m)
Triceratops Head Climber
How cool is this? We are as amazed as you are. We
wish the Triceratops Head Climber was available
when we were kids.
Dimensions - 8' long (2.4m), 5' wide (1.5m)
5'-7" tall (1.7m)
Coelophysis Dig
The Coelophysis Dig is a smaller dinosaur dig easily
suitable for any sand pit or even sand box near a
playground or on its own.
Dimensions - 78" long (2.0m), 36" wide (0.9m)
3" tall (76.2mm)
1.800.265.5462 |