Floating Pods Top Bar 4
The largest most challenging Floating Pods. Great
for improving balance and other motor skills.
Launch Pad
The non-skid HDPE launch pad rests between an
Orbis arch and adds functionality to your overhead
play elements. The launch pad is also a popular bench
when children are ready to take a break.
Microgravity Spinner
An updated design of the undoubtably most popular
Orbis component that is available. Kids positively
love this spinner and it keeps them coming back time
over time.
Accessible Paddle Power
Children of all abilities enjoy this suspended paddle
wheel, which also provides vigorous upper body
exercise. This activity easily connects with the larger
Orbis structure for integrated play.
Accessible Trapeze Bar
This wheelchair accessible upper body provide extra
upper body challenge that can be easily accessed in a
Terra Stepping Pad
Non-skid HDPE stepping pads connect to Orbis posts
to add functionality and accessibility to overhead
play elements. Children also enjoy these as play seats.
Accessible Turning Bar
This wheelchair accessible upper body activity easily
connects with the larger Orbis structure for
integrated play.
Hourglass Spinner
An updated design of one of the most popular
playground components. Kids absolutely love the
Hourglass Spinner. Kids often work together and
take turns to spin each other.
1.800.265.5462 |