Curved Photon Beam
A longer and more challenging version of the Photon
Beam overhead.
Curved Gamma Ray
This long, curved overhead activity gives children a
sense of accomplishment as they perfect their
brachiating skill using large triangular rungs.
Curved Cosmic Ray
A shorter, and less taxing version of the Cosmic Ray
Quasar Overhead
Children gain confidence as they traverse this
compact curved beam of fixed triangular rungs.
Small Triangulates
A smaller version of the Triangulates
Eye-catching oversized rings keep children
challenged as they explore overhead play. Loops are
fixed in place on a mid-sized circular overhead beam.
Available with three or four connection nodes.
Solar Eclipse
This extra-large overhead play circuit gives children
ample opportunity to practice the skill of
brachiation with the added challenge of swinging,
triangular grips. Features three connection nodes for
design versatility.
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