A message from our founder
Another banner year has passed for us at Krauss Craft,
Inc., manufacturer of Playcraft Systems, and we extend
our thanks to those who have made this success possible:
our valued customers, outstanding distributors, and loyal
employees. With your support, we’ve achieved record
growth in sales: growth which seems to have no end in sight.
As the new year begins, we reaffirm our commitment to
provide superior products, excellent service, and a wonderful
play experience for children of all ages and abilities.
The superior quality of our products begins with total
in-house manufacturing. From die casting to roto-molding
plastics, onsite control of all aspects of our manufacturing
processes enables us to manage costs, guarantee
beginning-to-end quality, and provide quick on-time delivery
while maintaining a strong bottom line. This successful
business model, unique to our industry, gives us the ability
for reinvestment and quick implementation of the latest
technologies and materials for new and improved products:
the optimal pathway to future progress and growth.
At Playcraft excellent service is top priority! From our
promise to provide equipment of superior quality to our
commitment to produce safe, innovative and inclusive
designs, the Playcraft experience is guaranteed to be a
positive one.
As a privately-held company, we focus on your full
satisfaction. We will never become a faceless conglomerate
focused primarily on pleasing a board of directors or
shareholders at the expense of the best interests of our
valued customers.
We want to personally invite you to “test play” our
equipment at a playground near you. Nothing is better than
a “hands on” experience on the world’s best playground
equipment: Playcraft Systems. To locate a Playcraft
playground near you, please contact us at 1-800-333-8519,
or for a personal tour and/or free playground consultation,
contact a member of our network of experienced
playground professionals listed on our website at:
www.playcraftsystems.comThank you for your interest in Playcraft systems, and
“stay tuned” for more great things to come!
Kurt Krauss, President and CEO