Fitness Equipment
Physical activity is beneficial at every stage of life, whether you are a
youth seeking fun and healthy activity, an adult establishing an exercise
regimen to promote a healthy lifestyle, or an older adult aiming to stay
active to live longer and healthier. Exercraft Fitness Equipment is the
answer for one and all to promote strength, flexibility, stamina and
overall good health. It’s also lots of fun!
Regular physical activity is one of the
most important things you can do for
your health. Our Exercraft™ equipment
can help get you on the road to
controlling weight, strengthening bones
and muscles, and improving overall
mobility, especially in the elderly.
Ease of Use
Each fitness station comes with simple
and easy to use illustrated instructional
signage, designed especially for
beginners. For a more complete set of
instructions visit our website at:
Exercraft’s modular design allows you
the flexibility to configure an exercise
course or regimen to fit your particular
exercise needs. With 9 standard stations
and 3 configuration options, creating
an affordable and expandable exercise
course is fun and rewarding.