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ToGovernmentalagencies, tax-supported institutionsand thosewith

approvedcredit,payment isduewithin30daysof thedateof invoice.A

2%permonthfinancechargewillbe imposedonallpastdueaccounts.

Allotherorders requirea50%depositat the timeoforderentry.The

balancewillbeduebycertifiedchequeupon receiptofshipment



If applicable, taxes will be added to the invoice except when a tax

exempt certificate is provided with the purchase order at the time of

order entry.


Weights and sizes are reasonably accurate and could vary with

product changes.Weights do not include added weight through

packaging and shipping.


Freightchargesaredeterminedandcollectedby thecarrierunless

HendersonRecreationEquipmentLimited is requestedandagrees to

prepayandadd thesecosts to the invoice.Freightquotesarevalid for

thirtydays.Due tohighenergycosts freightsurchargesmayapply.

Delays inTransit

Henderson Recreation Equipment Limited is not responsible for delays

in transit and such delays will not alter our invoicing terms. If your

order does not reach you within a reasonable time after being advised

that shipment went forward from our factory, Henderson Recreation

Equipment Limited will assist you in the tracing process.

LossorDamage inTransit

Henderson Recreation Equipment Limited is not responsible for loss

or damage in transit.When we release the material to the carrier, a

bill of lading is signed which states that the shipment was received

from us complete and in good condition. A copy of this bill of lading is

forwarded to you with the shipment and should be checked carefully

with the materials you receive. Any shortage, discrepancy or damage

must be noted on the delivery receipt and signed by the driver. Failure

to note exceptions on the delivery receipt may impair your right to

recovery from the carrier.


Once accepted, orders can be cancelled only with the consent of

Henderson Recreation Equipment Limited, and on terms which will

indemnify Henderson Recreation Equipment Limited against loss.

Cancelled orders will be subject to a 20% restocking fee. Orders for

custom-built equipment cannot be cancelled.


Some products in this catalogue may not be exactly as shown.

Assembly may be required for some products.


Henderson Recreation Equipment Limited has a commitment to

continuous product development and improvement and therefore

reserves the right to improve or alter specifications or discontinue

products without notice.


International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association (IPEMA)

Henderson is a member in good standing of IPEMA. IPEMA is a

member-driven, international trade organization that represents and

promotes an open market for manufacturers of play equipment.

In the interest of playground safety, the International Play Equipment

Manufacturers Association (IPEMA) provides aThird Party Certification

Service whereby a designated independent laboratory validates a

participant's certification of conformance to ASTM F1487, Standard

Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground

Equipment for Public Use, except sections 7.1.1, 10 and 12.6.1; to CAN/

CSA-Z614, Children's Playspaces and Equipment, except clauses 9.8,

10 and 11; or both.The use of the corresponding logo in Henderson

Recreation Equipment Limited's catalogue signifies that Henderson

Recreation Equipment Limited has received written validation from

the independent laboratory that the product(s) associated with

the use of the logo conforms to the requirements of the indicated

standard. Check the IPEMA website


) to confirm

product validation.

International Play Equipment Manufacturers Association

4305 North Sixth Street, Suite A

Harrisburg, PA 17110

CanadianStandardsAssociation (CSA)

The Canadian Standards Association (CSA) is a not-for-profit

membership-based association serving business, industry,

government and consumers in Canada and the global marketplace.

Henderson designs and manufactures play equipment to be

compliant with the release of CAN/CSA-Z614,“Children's Playspaces

and Equipment" that is current at the time of manufacture. Henderson

is a full member of theTechnical Committee that is responsible for the

development of the“Children's Playspaces and Equipment" standard.

Canadian Standards Association

5060 SpectrumWay

Mississauga, ON L4W 5N6

TheAmericanSociety forTestingandMaterials (ASTM)

ASTM International is a not-for-profit organization that provides

a global forum for the development and publication of voluntary

consensus standards for materials, products, systems and services.

ASTM International provides standards that are accepted and used

in research and development, product testing, quality systems, and

commercial transactions around the world. Henderson designs and

manufactures play equipment to be compliant with ASTM F1487,

“Standard Consumer Safety Performance Specification for Playground

Equipment for Public Use." Henderson is a member of theTechnical

Subcommittee, F15.29 that is responsible for the development of the

“Playground Equipment for Public Use" standard.

ASTM International

P.O. Box C700, 100 Barr Harbor Drive

West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959

U.S.ConsumerProductSafetyCommission (CPSC)

CPSC is an independent federal regulatory agency created to inform

the public of current product safety performance information and

recommended practices.The CPSC has published document number

325,“Handbook for Public Playground Safety" which presents

playground equipment safety information in the form of guidelines.

The handbook is a very useful guide for owners and operators of

public play environments.

U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission

Washington, DC 20207

AmericanswithDisabilitiesAct (ADA)

Encompassed within the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), the

Access Board has published Accessibility Guidelines for Play Areas.

Your Henderson sales representative can assist you in determining

proper accessibility requirements for your play area.

The United States Architectural andTransportation Barriers

Compliance Board

Office ofTechnical Information Services

Suite 1000, 1331 F Street, NW

Washington, DC 20004-1111

Tel: (202) 272-5434 x 134


The ISO 9000 series of standards are developed by the International

Organization for Standardization and are recognized worldwide.

Companies registered to one or more of these standards have

had their quality system certified by an external agency to ensure

that their management systems comply with the requirements of

the Standard. Henderson Recreation Equipment Ltd. is 9001:2000



To the extent permitted by law, these warranties are expressly in lieu

of any other implied or expressed warranties or representations by any

person, including an implied warranty of merchantability or fitness.

Warranties do not cover damage caused by vandalism or abuse.

Warranty claims must be filed within the applicable warranty period

and accompanied by a copy of the original invoice or Henderson

invoice number.These warranties do not cover cost of freight and/

or installation.These warranties do not cover normal wear and tear,

surface corrosion on metal parts, discoloured surfaces or cosmetic

issues.Theses warranties are valid only if products are installed and

maintained according to Henderson's installation instructions.

Lifetime* limited warranty on steel support posts against structural

failure due to deterioration caused by defects in materials or


Lifetime* limited warranty on Bolt-N-Go direct-bolt fastening systems

against structural failure due to corrosion or deterioration caused by

defects in materials or manufacturing.

20Year* limited warranty on aluminum post caps and Orbis

aluminum clamps against structural failure or defects in material or


20Year* limited warranty on Mighty Shades™ steel framework against

structural failure due to corrosion or deterioration caused by defects in

materials or manufacturing.

15Year* limited warranty on steel rails, loops and rungs against

structural failure due to corrosion or deterioration caused by defects in

materials or manufacturing.

10Year* limited warranty on polyethylene components, sheet plastic,

and decks against structural failure due to corrosion or deterioration

caused by defects in materials or manufacturing.

10Year* limited warranty on SouthernYellow Pine pressure-treated

wood products against structural failure due to insect infestation and

fungal decay caused by defects in materials or manufacturing.

10Year* limited warranty on Mighty Shades™ fabric against

deterioration, rot and seam failure.

5Year* limited warranty on Berliner Rope Play steel-core ropes and

rubber components against structural failure or defects in material or


OneYear* GeneralWarranty

Henderson Recreation Equipment Limited warrants that all

products not listed above will be free from defects in materials or

manufacturing for one year. Henderson Recreation will repair or

replace all parts of the product or equipment found to be defective.

All warranty periods start at date of invoice.

*Ask for your copy of our complete warranty.



Prices are F.O.B. factory and do not include freight charges. Prices are

subject to change without notice.

