See page 7 on this rock climber
that also can be used as ADA
transfer station.
Made with Durable GFRC?
GFRC ia a glass fiber reinforced
concrete (GFRC): A concrete mix
reinforced throughout with chopped
glass fibers. Cement used shall be
Type 1 Portland cement meeting
the requirement of the ASTM C 150.
Fine, clean, dry sand, able to pass a
No. 20 sieve, free of contaminants
or deleterious matter and meeting
composition requirements of ASTM
C144. Glass Fibers specially designed
for use in concrete; shall be alkali-
resistant (AR) fiber and chopped to
18mm lengths, with 12mm lengths
in any topical coat. Concrete shall
have integral color that shall be
harmless to concrete strength, alkali-
resistant, shall not to exceed 10% of
amount of cement, and conforming
to the requirements of ASTM C979
for color steadfastness. Minimum
physical properties shall be: 1500
pounds per square inch in tension
and 5000 pounds per square inch in