PlaySteel Max & Fit
Challenging and Fun
Children learn to challenge not only
their bodies but their minds as well.
Traverse amazing climbers, cross
difficult overheads, challenge friends
on maze wheels or the boogie board.
So many events and fun things to do,
children will never realize they are
expanding their minds and exercising
their bodies.
Where Friends Come Together
Playgrounds are where communities
connect. It's the place to bring your
friends or meet new ones. Lasting
friendships are often built here. Who
remembers those wonderful games of
tag as a kid?
Social and Quiet Spaces
Lots of components provide quiet
places to escape the hustle and
bustle of the main playground. Other
components are magnets for kids to
gather like the playcounter shown
here. Take a look at our component
sections to see the play events you're
interested in for your playground.
1.800.265.5462 |