Toll-Free: 1-877-518-8809 - Email: info@climbinet.comWhy Climbinet™?
Our Steel-Enforced Web Rope
Climbinet sets a higher industry standard.
While most playground equipment manufacturers rely
mainly on nylon core ropes, Climbinet’s play structures are built
exclusively with steel-enforced web
. By boosting bounciness and play value, Climbinet now offers one of the
strongest, safest, and
most durable
products in the industry.
Nylon-core rope (A) stretches out quickly and
loses its bounciness, requiring constant tightening.
Climbinet’s steel-core ropes (B) ensure cables stay
taut longer, reducing
maintenance time and cost
increasing play value.
Nylon-core rope (A) vs. steel-core rope (B)
A steel-core rope cutaway attached
to a seat accessory
The 20 mm diameter steel-core cable provides better
protection from vandalism, and better safety for children.
By using only a steel core, Climbinet’s web rope
offers four times the capacity load
of nylon-core
rope, which means ropes won’t stretch or sag,
causing premature wear. This is also essential to
maintain the durability of seat accessories, where
kids apply concentrated weight.
While most companies use 16 mm diameter cable,
Climbinet’s distinctive
20 mm diameter cable
allows for a more
comfortable and accessible grip
as well as
safer fall protection
sa es@acmplaygrounds.com 1–888–743–8226